(1) There is more to it than the rubber that is burnt, the minutes that tick away and the series of street lamps and bright neon signs that flash by.(2) A comparison of the ionization potentials of neon and argon will illustrate these principles.(3) Two copies of the column with the noble gases, such as helium and neon , bracket the table like bookends.(4) In the same year, Ramsay and Travers discovered two other noble gases, xenon and neon .(5) I keep on hitting the neon ball back, whipping my racquet at it.(6) Over the next few years many types of laser were built, some using a mixture of helium and neon , others carbon dioxide or organic dyes.(7) It combines easily and even explosively with every other element except helium, neon , and argon.(8) Gas lasers use gases such as argon, carbon dioxide, neon , and nitrogen.(9) Maybe we could tell readers that cricket is a game played in trench coats, in dingy offices lit by neon signs blinking through venetian slats.(10) Just like a fluorescent light, neon signs are glass tubes filled with gas.(11) The terrain is steep but so rewarding, so vastly unpopulated and un-skied, and so void of the neon jumpsuits and fur-lined boots crowd.(12) The lowest temperatures will convert hydrogen into helium, then the next highest temperatures will convert helium into carbon, oxygen and neon largely.(13) Rual turned on the faucet and grabbed the neon green sponge.(14) It is the sixth most abundant gas in the atmosphere after nitrogen, oxygen, argon, carbon dioxide, and neon .(15) The colour is a very close match to the colour of my neon green perspex!(16) They attributed those lines to the presence of three new elements, which they named neon , krypton, and xenon.
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in Samoan, neon
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of neon in Samoan language.